Thursday, May 22, 2014

Public Service Announcement of Permission

Periodically, as I drift around the internet, I run across people sending signals out into the void, asking followers, friends, and random passersby: Would you be interested, would you read, should I do, I want to but I don't know if anybody else would -

Basically, the internet is full of people afraid to access their own creativity without permission. From somebody. Apparently any random person on the internet will do.

So I always stop and give them permission, even if I think the project they describe is cliched, dull, impractical, or otherwise Not For Me. Because that doesn't matter.

Market research is for people who are already in touch with their creativity and are looking to apply existing skills more effectively or direct existing work in the correct direction. Don't mess with it if you're just starting out; if you've never written or drawn anything not for class before; if you're thinking about producing a fan work and feeling insecure; if you're in the process of discovering the creative possibilities of your favorite game + text + Photoshop.

So if you are such a person, listen up. This is your random person on the internet, sending your permission out, randomly.

You are allowed to create something that's terrible, learn from it, and apply what you learned to another work.

You are allowed to create something mediocre, and learn from it, and apply what you learned to another work, or to making this one better.

You are allowed to create something only you care about.

You are allowed to start creating one thing and find out you've created another.

You are allowed to write a full outline and depart from it; to write a full outline and discard it; to write a full outline and stick to it; to blow off outlines and create by the seat of your pants. (Even if you don't wear pants. No one cares what you wear when you create.)

You are allowed to start and finish with a cliche; to subvert it; to make fun of it; to dig deep into it and find the hidden kernel of truth that keeps it coming back.

You are allowed to abandon a project, convinced that it's crap, and come back two years later and realize, It doesn't have to be crap, you know how to do this now.

You are allowed to finish a project for your own satisfaction. You are allowed to walk away from it. You are allowed to cannibalize it for future works.

You are allowed to enjoy yourself. You are allowed to enjoy your work. You are allowed to be driven to screaming frustration, savage self-doubt, and conviction of inadequacy in the middle of enjoying your work.

You are allowed to create something, and share it. You are allowed to create something, and keep it to yourself. You are allowed to create something, and then destroy it (but I don't recommend that; you often hate your best stuff in the heat of creation).

You are allowed to change formats. You are allowed to be old-fashioned. You are allowed to try new things. You're allowed to copy old ones. You are allowed to be weird. You are allowed to be staid. You are allowed to be slick. You are allowed to be rough.

You are allowed.

So go. Make something.

Then do your market research. And while you're doing that - start making another thing.

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