Sunday, January 15, 2012

Idea Garage Sale: Speaking Carbon

You know the fairy tale in which one sister's words turn into jewels and one's turn into vermin? Well, in this story, both get forms of carbon. One sister (the crabby one) gets coal; one (the conventionally sweet one) gets diamonds. Both vary in quality with the quality of speech. Lies produce soft brown coal that doesn't burn well and flawed diamonds. However, the coal remains useful, though dirty. The diamonds flood the market and become reduced in value.

Either way, production of the carbon is awkward and unpleasant. The girls (who are twins) resume use of a sign language developed when they were younger. Adult favoritism and sibling rivalry had tended to split them, but under their common misfortune, they gravitate together again. An alchemist can explain to them about the carbon. There's probably some underlying theme with that, but I doubt the alchemist understands about carbon-based life forms.

Do they find a cure, or a way to live with it? Either way, the girls have to stop competing and start cooperating.

The fairy is neutral, rather than good or evil, and the mother figure is selfish and short-sighted rather than wicked.

Their names should mean, but not sound, the same, as Margaret and Pearl, or Rose and Rhoda.

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